Frequently Asked Questions
Do call us if you would like to discuss our training

What is Speaking Well In Public?
I’m Philippa Hammond, and Speaking Well In Public is my business dedicated to helping you build your confident public speaking skills.
Why is public speaking useful?
My training has many practical applications, including:
- business presentations and meetings at work
- making speeches and briefings at meetings, conferences and trade shows
- pitching to clients for business
- giving training presentations
- speaking in court
- making presentations for college or job interviews
- social occasions
- performance
Who needs public speaking skills?
Anyone who speaks in front of other people, in person or online, for leadership, management and business, for performance, college or social events, benefits from public speaking skills training.
Don’t you need talent to speak well?
Here’s a secret – no-one is born with the natural ability to speak in public!
Everyone you’ve ever admired has taken training and coaching on how to build on those existing skills with new nuggets of information, lots of practice and great support.
And you already have a great store of raw public speaking skills you’ve learned throughout your life.
That’s where I come in – putting it all together.
Who does the training?
I’m Philippa Hammond, actor, voice artist and teacher of public speaking skills. I have many years’ experience both as a performer and as a corporate trainer.
You can read some of the terrific testimonials I’ve received from clients right here.
You can be certain you’ll always speak with, meet with and work with me. No substitutes.
Who are your clients?
I’ve trained many subjects in the UK and abroad. My clients include business and self-employed people, the public sector, managers and company directors, lecturers, teachers, coaches and trainers, barristers, clergy, politicians, students, actors, writers, poets, film makers and parents.
Private sector, public sector and individual clients have included the UK Border Agency [Revenue & Customs and Immigration Officers], Police, Airport security, airline and embassy staff, the CIPD Sussex Trainers’ Forum, the Critical Incident arts and business event, the University of Sussex and the Civil Aviation Authority International.
I’ve presented business and corporate training in the UK, Yemen, Brunei, Gambia, Ukraine, USA, South Africa, Turkey and all over Europe.
What happens on a training course?
The Confident Public Speaking 1-1 coaching package, in house workshop for beginners and 1-1 coaching programme descriptions give you all the details of the standard content.
They’re all super-practical, supportive and fun, with the goal that by the end of any event you’ll feel, look and sound better.
I can swiftly create bespoke events delivering whatever you require. I’m flexible and wide-ranging, with fast response to your needs. Contact me and I’ll be pleased to discuss your individual requirements.
How do you decide what to include in training?
I do an in-depth needs analysis, finding out your personal or company goals, learning about the audience and creating individually tailored training programmes for each event, or delivering a course from my powerful business portfolio.
Do you provide corporate training?
Certainly, ranging from private 1-1 executive coaching or small group seminars to larger workshop events. I can also deliver highly effective team-building events. The maximum number of delegates on a course is twelve, although I find groups of six or so create a friendly, relaxed atmosphere where each delegate receives personal attention.
What training methods do you use?
I can draw upon a wide range of methods including presentation skills, facilitation techniques, discussions, practical exercises, Zoom, digital video and audio recording and role-play.
Where does the training take place?
Wherever you wish. I often deliver on Zoom, and can deliver a live in-person event at your workplace if you have suitable accommodation, or your preferred hotel or conference facilities.
How do I arrange training?
Simply telephone or email me and I’ll be pleased to discuss the arrangements with you.
Do I have to speak if I come on a course?
The best way to learn any new skill is to hear it explained, see it demonstrated – and then have a go yourself in a safe and supportive environment, with feedback.
Every course gives the chance to experience public speaking, so each delegate leaves with a real sense of achievement.
I get so nervous when I speak in public. I’m worried about looking silly. How will I deal with my nerves?
Every single public speaker [including our most famous actors and politicians] experiences nerves. If we didn’t feel anything before we spoke it would mean we didn’t care about doing well.
Helping you deal with your nerves is the backbone of my training. We’ll look at just why we get nervous, what happens to us when we feel those familiar butterflies and what to do to deal with them effectively.
I’ll help you see those nerves as the fuel, energy and power you need to bring your speech to life – and even welcome them as a friend.
I have a medical voice problem, dyslexia, or a real social phobia – can you help me?
If what you need is practical advice on sounding interesting, reading aloud well or dealing with performance nerves, then I can certainly help.
But if you do have specific medical or phobia problems, I recommend you seek the help of specialists. Your doctor, an adult literacy teacher, a hypnotherapist etc may all be able to give you the specialist advice you need.
I’m worried about my appearance, personal image and how I come across to an audience. Can you help?
We only have a few moments to make that first impression when we stand up to speak, and our dress, body language and interpersonal skills all contribute so much to that overall impression.
If your goal is to improve your personal impact as well as your speaking skills then yes – I’ll be delighted to help.
I need to know how I’m doing – will you tell me? How do you give feedback?
I guarantee that I’ll tell you honestly, and with respect, what other people may only be thinking.
I’ll give you supportive, constructive and diplomatic feedback on your performance and impact, together with practical plans for your continuing professional development after your course.
Why do I need training in public speaking skills when I’ve given many presentations? Isn’t it all common sense?
Have you ever seen a presentation by a high-ranking manager or CEO that’s dull, boring, riddled with odd mannerisms and irritating habits, difficult to follow, too fast, one tedious mind-numbing slide after another … ?
So often we don’t realise when we slip into bad habits, don’t see the audience glazing over as yet another anecdote begins, don’t notice them giggling as each trite management cliché is trotted out …
Sometimes it’s the more experienced client who can most benefit from a fresh new look at brushing up those skills and developing into a more powerful and engaging contemporary speaker.
And those little slips that didn’t matter so much when you were talking to colleagues in the past do now, especially when everyone carries around a video camera and the ability to load it onto the internet with comments via their mobiles all before lunch.
Sort out the glitches now before they turn up on You Tube.
Can this training help me get a job or a promotion?
While I can’t guarantee you’ll get that role, performing well at interview, giving a short presentation during that interview, making an impressive impact at meetings and conferences … all these will have great effect and help you become a more memorable candidate for employment or promotion.
Isn’t public speaking all about controlling your audience?
No, it’s about controlling yourself so you can captivate and persuade the audience – the heart of any presentation.
How much do you charge?
Please see the latest Fees Guide for:
Public Speaking and Train the Trainer Skills:
- Corporate / business workshops and programmes
- Private 1-1 coaching and programmes
I’d love to book the 1-1 Programme – but it’s a big outlay all at once
A Payment Programme of two easy monthly payments is available.
I’d love to book the 1-1 Programme – but I’m so busy right now
You can choose to take the programme over three weeks, with two sessions per week as an accelerated personal development event.
You can also choose exactly when you take your sessions each week – as I only enrol four clients per month on the Programme, you could secure a weekly early morning, evening or weekend slot to suit your life.
Fees include prior consultation and all materials and services used during the event
Travel and accommodation expenses are charged pro rata by prior agreement
I’m looking forward to working with you.