During my FTC at The Pensions Regulator 2022-24, in addition to my Train the Trainer programme, I was tasked with creating and delivering a three-level Coaching and Feedback and skills programme for several Teams.
In response, I devised and rolled out the Gold, Silver and Bronze level programme for staff at all levels, depending on responsibilities.
Gold – for all team members required to deliver coaching services | to prepare and deliver feedback | to seek out, accept and act on feedback
Silver – for all team members required to prepare and deliver feedback | to seek out, accept and act on feedback
Bronze – for all team members required to seek out, accept and act on feedback
Results and Behaviour: Management and trainer overview
“Since the training, there have been some really good examples! There are different dynamics, they are now more comfortable giving feedback as well as receiving it … they are talking about how feedback is changing in their team … definitely more talk about it and how and when we could give feedback, including where something positive happens … the training has helped to promote that … they enjoyed it, were really complimentary about it … you can see where it made a difference. Really positive about it.” Mike, Head of Team
“There has been a discernible difference in the way feedback is used. It has moved away from just being a process. There is more of a desire to receive the correct type of feedback now since the training. I think the training has reinforced that feedback is a positive thing and helps us all improve. Team members are engaged in this process and have had positive comments around the training and how it can be implemented.” Carol, Management Principal
“I enjoyed this and learned even from the approach that you adopted – the tiered ‘gold/silver/bronze’ approach… I think your experience really did come through and this is why it was shared more widely … I felt that we are on safer ground than we were previously before you arrived and delivered the training … Part of this success was bringing everyone on the journey … really embraced fully adopting a ‘coaching culture’… has elevated coaching to a frequent topic of conversation and one which we all now have a vested interest in! … I also feel confident from the specific T/T/T session on Coaching & Feedback, to now deliver this where required… change in behaviour here I would say; directly as a result of your influence!” John, Development Team
Learning and Reaction: Feedback Skills responses from the teams
Participants were asked to reflect on their perceptions pre and post course about:
- Their knowledge, skills and ability to prepare, deliver, seek out, receive and act on feedback – putting what they’d learned into practice
- Motivations and intentions around applying their new skills
- Thoughts on delivery, trainer and content
Coaching and Feedback Skills – Gold
“Very motivated as I can see the benefit application of the model can bring… The combination of theory followed by practice sessions I fond very effective and a great way to reinforce the learning… Very effective delivery by Philippa… [I will] Differentiate more effectively between training and coaching, and look to apply the new skills as and where possible.” DW
“I feel more confident after the practical session … This is a useful skill and will suit the people I line manage … A proactive and chatty group for the first session which made it very enjoyable… Coaching style will enable me to put back the responsibility to my direct line reports. They are so knowledgeable but lack confidence. Coaching will enable me to tickle out their own knowledge to build that confidence.” TO
“The training came at a timely moment where I was struggling with the number of daily queries I was getting from the team where I believe they had the skills to make their own decision rather than me telling them what to do! … I enjoyed the practical session where we practised coaching others. This has given me the confidence to put this into practice. The feedback from the exercise has also give me confidence that I know how to approach coaching and improve my technique… This training has given me the tools and techniques to coach the team, so they have the confidence to use their existing skills… Great pace and some useful tips, tricks and techniques presented that has given me the confidence to use in my day to day work… Breaking it up into two sessions was really helpful particularly during a busy working day… A really good pace and was able to give some alternative solutions to problems and how best to approach different scenarios when it comes to coaching others… Delivered exactly what I needed.” SH
Feedback skills – Silver
Perceptions: Before you began the session, how did you feel about your knowledge, skills and ability to seek out, receive and act on feedback?
I have not actively sought feedback within my role and will try to develop in that area. TT
This is always an awkward one to ask for feedback on yourself, however have been starting to do this in 121s with my direct reports and my own line manager SH
Perceptions: Before you began the session, how did you feel about your knowledge, skills and ability to deliver honest, respectful and helpful feedback?
I have managed a team of 5 people before, when I did start doing this I unaware of how my feedback could affect a person’s mood. I learnt after a few times on how to effectively give feedback but as stated in our workshop today you do need to know your person and what works for that person specifically. TT
Any extra tools and tips can only round and finesse the feedback given and open a conversation if receiving TO
Perceptions: How able do you now feel to put what you’ve learned about seeking out, receiving and acting on feedback into practice?
I feel more confident in being able to take negative feedback and turning it into something positive. ES
I now feel like I have a starting point which will hopefully start open conversations with colleagues. Ls
Perceptions: How able do you now feel to put what you’ve learned about delivering honest, respectful and helpful feedback into practice?
I would be able to provide feedback both negative and positive while being able to give a good understanding to the person receiving the feedback. ES
Motivations: How motivated will you be to use all these skills in your work?
Very motivated, as I believe it is a great part of developing your own skills and others around. Picking up on areas that you are doing well in and areas that need more work. CS
I put this into effect during my 1 to 1 straight after the workshop. RS
I will make this one of my highest priorities when I get back to my day to day job as this will be beneficial to check my own progress. AF
This is a really important area of the business. To help develop your staff by the giving and receiving of FB is essential to a happy and engaged team
Two of my main role responsibilities is to ensure the team produce and disseminate quality products and to support the development of my direct reports. Feedback will be key in support of this. I am also reasonably new to line management and this role and therefore feedback will be key in my own development. SH
What aspects of the training were most effective for you – or should be added, discarded or improved?
Explained very well and in detail. Giving examples of real life situations and how to apply them was very useful. ES
Very good workshop and good to listen to others raising the same issues that you face as well – Also helps us to question feedback more effectively. TT
Enjoyed the training session as it built upon courses and modules I have completed in the past. The format and group size was great, it helped to promote discussion amongst the group to learn from each other’s experiences. SH
The delivery of your session by your trainer?
Very well delivered, engaged with everyone very well. Made it very interactive and interesting. ES
Workshop was free flowing and allowed us to talk as a group and understand the subject matter. TT
I thought Pippa was really knowledgeable and really approachable allowing for everyone to feel comfortable. Thank you Pippa, very useful! LS
The learning outcomes of the course? [See aim and objectives]
I feel this is something that needs to be provided for continual development across the team CS
The outcome has I believe improved the way i will now look at the feedback I receive and how to seek it out better as well. TT
Intentions: What will you be doing differently as a result of this training programme as you apply your skills to your day to day practice?
I will take more time to digest things before responding back or providing feedback. CS
I will be taking on board feedback and using it to effectively change my working and develop my skills ES
I will implement the skills and techniques highlighted in the training in my feedback sessions. Honestly the training package was excellent and kinda activated memories of roles and skills that have been dormant for quite some time. PW
I’m feeling more comfortable in discussing feedback with my LA. RS
Will be seeking more feedback in future, before 1-2-1s so I can try and understand if I need to improve in areas. TT
I’ll be asking for regular feedback and keep a check point on things I could do to improve on and self-reflect on areas I’m not doing so well in. AF
I will be asking colleagues for feedback and will aim to have more of a structure in my 121 LS
I will listen to learn rather than to reply SH
I’ll be aiming to have a rough plan before I deliver any feedback and actively seek out feedback on myself to support my own development. I’ll be more conscious of my language … to help my direct reports to be more reflective on their performance. SH
Anything else on reflection?
It helped me to solidify what I already knew, but it also showed me where TPR stands on feedback and development … Philippa has done a great job keeping us engaged and presenting the values of feedback VR
Feedback Skills – Bronze
Perceptions: Before you began the session, how did you feel about your knowledge, skills and ability to seek out, receive and act on feedback?
This was a really good session which help put some context to seeking feedback. DH
I found this was a really good solid refresher (habits do slip!) posing the difficult qu’s that accompany feedback. KO
I find both giving and receiving negative feedback difficult so the discussion around the good aspects of negative feedback – i.e. the base of respect necessary and the capacity for growth and further understanding- helps with the anxiety I feel. ME
I recently had to give feedback to a manager and was extremely nervous about it, I think having had this workshop before that would have given me confidence in tackling that situation the right way. I think I always thought feedback was likely to bad or only listened to the perceive bad feedback so this workshop highlighted that I need to listen to all the feedback. LH
Your comments: How able do you now feel to put what you’ve learned into practice?
I think I would feel more confident in seeking feedback and even having a conversation about feedback that is provided to me in the future. DH
The Boost methodology will help with delivering feedback and I now know more about the essential reasons for providing and engaging with feedback. KL
I’ve got more confidence in how to go about it KH
I really liked the structure of Stop, continue and start so will definitely use this. Also to seek more feedback, I feel confident that I will now be able to achieve these things. LH
Your comments: How motivated will you be to use these skills in your work, and why?
I am very motivated to include this in my day to day work as I think through feedback you can improve your professional skills etc. DH
I have already popped a post it note in front of me with the BOOST acronym so that I can be aware when I give feedback that that is what I aspire to. But it will also remind me of the session generally when receiving feedback to not take things personally … and ensure I can start changing behaviour via thoughts and feelings. KO
I think it would really help me to start thinking more about how to use the skills in my day to day role. KH
It’s so good to receive feedback and to be able to act on it. LH
My performance can be improved be seeking out feedback so I will do so. PJ
Your comments on the content – What aspects of the training were most effective for you – or should be added, discarded or improved?
It was a very effective session which I learnt a lot from, it was pitched at the right level and was very interactive which was good. It was also good to hear from others in terms of what feedback they had received. DH
I thought that the session was very useful and well delivered. The Boost methodology was useful to learn about, as was the discussion regarding how messages are delivered
The part where people were asked to share good and bad experience they had on receiving feedback – It’s helped me to realise I’m not alone. The workshop is nicely structured and very well thought through. The handout is really helpful too. I wish I’d been told about the BOOST technique earlier on in my career. ZX
It was all pitched just right. Philippa, the size and participants of the group all made me feel comfortable to speak up when necessary. KR
It was well delivered, it invited discussion and I found it extremely useful LH
The BOOST acronym and Stop/Start/Continue are useful guides. The content was well-judged and focussed. PJ
How satisfied were you with the delivery of your session by your trainer?
Phillipa kept everyone engaged throughout the training session and made everyone feel comfortable in sharing their experiences. AM
Very clear, inclusive and insightful. KO
Very well delivered and kept everyone on the call very much engaged. KL
Allowed for plenty of time for discussion in the group and made sure to discuss each person’s point. ME
Phillipa was friendly polite and led the session well. I thought she listened to what we were saying and made reference to it later in the session which I appreciated. KH
Relaxed environment with no pressure to participate but given ample opportunity to engage if I wished. I felt comfortable talking to Philippa and the group. KR
Phillipa was brilliant. Really good at inviting discussion and making the session a safe space to share. LH
Knowledgeable and regularly invited contributions from the participants PJ
Intentions: What will you be doing differently as a result of this training programme as you apply your skills to your day to day practice?
Use of Stop, Start and Continue. AM
Seeking more feedback, so I can improve but also providing more feedback in a constructive, empathetic way. DH
Thinking of previous feedback and what I have done to use that positively. (have I shown in my work or behaviour any improvements – and if so is this noted?) Thinking about when I get future feedback and preparing myself to receive it and perhaps – prompting to get more feedback. Checking myself that I am not unconsciously biased to those whom I ask for feedback from – challenging myself to get wider feedback and perhaps from someone that I haven’t done so before. KO
Consider the Boost methodology when providing feedback and also taking time to really engage with the feedback I receive. KL
I will attempt to call out the successes of others more frequently in a method that allows them to use this feedback for evidence. ME
Use the BOOST technique. Take feedback away and mull over it instead of just react. XZ
I will try and seek feedback more regularly and consider my approach to providing feedback and the how this might be perceived by the recipient. JS
Apply the what can I stop, what can I start, what can I continue. KH
I will be more aware of how I give feedback and plan my delivery more than perhaps I would have before. KR
I will be seeking more feedback and will have a think about my mindset before I receive feedback to make sure I am going in calm and ready to be able to act on any feedback I receive. Thanks for the workshop this morning. It really made me think and I will definitely be implementing some of the ideas in to my daily working life. LH
Actively searching for opportunities to give and receive feedback PJ
Any further comments after reflecting on the course?
‘The course has helped me feel more comfortable asking for feedback as I feel like I can structure it and can ask for something specific, therefore getting something constructive out of it rather than asking for the sake of it.’ KH
‘I found the training very useful and think it would be beneficial to revisit every year or two as a reminder.’ KL