Reading Your Work to an Audience

An in-person workshop for your writers’ group, with Brighton trainer and actor, Philippa Hammond. The length of the workshop is at your discretion, between 1-3 hours.

The benefits – and the problems

Reading your work aloud to an audience in bookshops, writers groups, literary festivals, is a great way to get yourself and your work known to the world.

But so often things can get in the way!

Mindsets can sabotage confidence

Nerves can overwhelm

And lack of breathing control can make us speed up, speak too quietly and be harder to follow.

This workshop will help you all

🌟Beat nerves and build confidence so you can enjoy the experience

🌟Learn some audiobook readers’ techniques for sounding your best

🌟Captivate and keep your audience’s attention and interest.

My workshop gives quick and actionable tips to help any writer feel, look and sound their best to any audience.

Please bring a short piece of your writing (a couple of minutes or so) and something you’re happy to scribble in (eg a magazine or news article) for practice exercises.

No other prep required.

What they’re saying

‘Your workshop about speaking well at Hove Library was so good, it was what we all needed … everyone was happy, they learned and enjoyed the practice … that paragraph about what the audience wants is like a bible to always have in mind. I also liked to receive the tongue twisters and it was fun to try it … it will be lovely if you can come again and give us some text to practice.’ Julia Martínez

‘Very warm, knowledgeable, great delivery … practical advice … thank you very much’ Sarah Agnew

‘I enjoyed it very much – very useful … she speaks very well … knows her subject well … please could you arrange more of this … very helpful and increased my knowledge’ Marjan

‘Amazing … great … 10/10’ Jane

A fun, helpful event in a safe supportive space.

Discussions and bookings

If you’d like to know more, do contact me to discuss your required length of workshop, numbers, location and the fee


Philippa Hammond

Public speaking and Presentation Skills

Speaking Well in Public presents:

Confident Public Speaking, Presentation and Train the Trainer Skills training and coaching in Brighton, Sussex and beyond, with Philippa Hammond

Corporate in-house events at your venue

Beginners: Confident Public Speaking

Improvers: Practical Public Speaking

Experienced speakers: Professional Public Speaking

Train the Trainer programmes for subject matter experts looking to get into training

Bespoke live online group programmes are available for your teams – contact to discuss

Live online 1-1 coaching programmes

Power HoursTalking Speaking, LinkedIn and Employability

Coaching programmesSpeak Up and Step Up six week programmes

I’ve delivered my public speaking, presentation and training skills events in Brighton and Sussex, in London, all over the UK, in the Channel Islands, Istanbul [Turkey], Sana’a [Yemen], Kyiv [Ukraine], Johannesburg [South Africa], Libreville [Gabon], Dallas [USA], Toronto [Canada], Brunei and Cologne [Germany].

Wherever you and your business may be – I can help.

Do contact me if you’d like to discuss booking a live or online event, as you prefer.

Philippa Hammond

Speaking Well In Public is based in Brighton, East Sussex, UK

Confident Public Speaking [beginners] Brighton & beyond

About our one-day in-house Confident Public Speaking beginners’ course

Confident Public Speaking, Presentation and Train the Trainer Skills training and coaching in Brighton, Sussex and beyond, with Philippa Hammond

Classroom-based in-house corporate group workshops and development programmes


Philippa Hammond

Level 1 – Confident Public Speaking – new skills for beginners

‘ … It’s been a really empowering, supportive & confidence building session. It was engaging & I’m so glad we’ve done it … ‘ The Student Room Delegate

Speaking well in public is a vital personal and professional skill.

You can book this in-house course as part of your

  • conference programme
  • training and development programme
  • management and leadership development programme
  • team-building activities
  • outplacement support for your people who will be leaving you soon

Length: One day 10-4

Audience: Beginner

About the course

Our Confident Public Speaking course introduces the skills needed to plan, prepare, deliver and evaluate a successful business presentation for all occasions.

The ideal course for complete beginners, for the nervous speaker and for those who would like to brush up their skills and build confidence.

Delegates discover why we get nervous, what nerves do to us and how we can deal with them, and explore techniques for developing a strong, confident voice and effective body language to support the message.

This course features lots of practical speaking experience, useful exercises and helpful feedback in an enjoyable, safe environment. You will also receive valuable guidance for the future from the tutor, Philippa Hammond.

Our courses can be tailored to your business requirements – see our menu for details

Course programme

Confident Public Speaking:

Skills for Beginners

10.00 Welcome and introductions

  • The “Elevator Pitch”

Dealing with nerves

  • Why we get nervous and what nerves do us when speaking in public
  • Confidence-building techniques


Speaking well in public – techniques used by performers, politicians and broadcasters for personal impact

  • Controlling relaxation, posture and breathing
  • Developing a strong and interesting voice
  • Using body language, non-verbal communication and eye contact


How to plan for success

  • Your audience and their needs
  • Setting aim and objectives

How to prepare for success

  • Material, structure and methods of delivery
  • Speaking notes
  • Visual aids
  • Dealing with Q &A , getting your message across, finishing with style

Practical exercises and feedback throughout the day

Q & A, Notes handout

16.00 Close


For further information, discussions and bookings:


Philippa Hammond

Practical Public Speaking [improvers] Brighton & beyond

About our Practical Public Speaking course: a concentrated practical public speaking workout for those with a little experience

Confident Public Speaking, Presentation and Train the Trainer Skills training and coaching in Brighton, Sussex and beyond, with Philippa Hammond

Classroom-based in-house corporate group workshops and development programmes


Philippa Hammond

Level 2: Practical Public Speaking – Skills for improvers

A one-day course 10 – 4

Audience: Improver

The course is delivered to a small group of six delegates to allow maximum time for practical experience and effective feedback.

You may have attended our Confident Public Speaking course, have begun to address those public speaking nerves and are looking for more practice.

You may already have some public speaking experience and feel you would now benefit from a concentrated day of practical presentation experience, plus feedback to help you develop to a higher level and improve performance.

You may wish your team members to acquire further professional gloss and style when representing you and your organisation to colleagues, clients and the press.

About the course

Practical Public Speaking offers a concentrated practical workout, a public speaking boot camp that will have you on your feet and speaking to a small group, observing your peers delivering their prepared presentations and sharing honest, respectful and constructive feedback throughout the day. You will also receive valuable guidance for the future from the tutor, Philippa Hammond.

Pre-course preparation

Each delegate prepares two presentations to deliver on the day:

  • Elevator Pitch – a short one minute speech that answers the question “And what do you do?”
  • Business Presentation – a fifteen – twenty minute presentation on a business relevant topic

Any other exercises will be set on the day

Course Programme

Gather for coffee and networking

10.00 Morning session Including refreshments break

  • Welcome and introductions
  • The Elevator Pitch
  • Discussion and feedback after each pitch
  • Presentations
  • Discussion and feedback after each presentation


Afternoon session including refreshments break

  • Presentations continued
  • Discussion and feedback after each presentation
  • Evaluation, Q and A

16.00 Close


Do feel free to bring examples, handouts and anything else that will enhance your presentation.

Practical exercises and feedback throughout



Professional Public Speaking [experienced] Brighton & beyond

If it’s worth presenting, it’s worth polishing first. A pitching and presenting masterclass.

Confident Public Speaking and Confident Public Speaking, Presentation and Train the Trainer Skills training and coaching in Brighton, Sussex and beyond, with Philippa Hammond

Classroom-based in-house corporate group workshops and development programmes


Philippa Hammond

Professional Public Speaking

A presentation skills masterclass

Professional, experienced speakers preparing to deliver:

High-stakes presentations and keynote speeches

Pitches for business, funding, contracts and clients

Yes, great content is vital – you may have prepared a slick PowerPoint, beautiful brochures and all your facts and figures neatly presented – but have you considered your delivery style?

People buy from people – not from PowerPoints or pretty pictures.

The way you present your material, how you look and how you sound, will affect and influence their response to your message.

Your masterclass includes:

A dress rehearsal, a practical dry run of your prepared presentation, pitch or workshop material to an independent impartial consultant

Honest, respectful, constructive feedback on how your material and your team will look and sound to your prospective client

The chance to identify any snags while there’s still time to fine tune, polish and enhance your material and professional, credible delivery style.

If it’s worth presenting – it’s worth polishing first.



To discuss your needs or make a booking

Philippa Hammond