Silence the critics

Are you getting critical feedback about your public speaking? It can really tank your confidence!

Are you getting critical feedback about your public speaking? It can really tank your confidence!

I had my own crack-and-break moment in front of an audience way back when – and I use my bad experience and my solutions  now to help my clients feel, look and sound better when they stand up to speak.

Three quick tips to help you make a great impression:

🌟If you’re planning a PowerPoint, remove as much text as possible and replace with pictures. We respond to images plus the spoken word, and that combination will help your message land well.

🌟Consider your posture, hands, feet, eye contact, smiles … how you choose to look to the audience will help them feel comfortable with you.

🌟Slow down. We all speed up when we’re nervous, which makes it harder for audiences to follow along. A slower more measured pace helps them understand and trust you.

✋What’s your biggest worry around public speaking?

🤗I’m here.

Philippa x
Confident Public Speaking skills for leadership, management and business